RQ Vol. 2 // Issue 2 // FIGHT / FLIGHT / TEND & BEFRIEND

RQ Vol. 2 // Issue 2 // FIGHT / FLIGHT / TEND & BEFRIEND


What is worth fighting for? When do we flee? When do we reach out to a former foe? In the context of the 2020 election in America, with its heterogeneous, polarized populace, we explore our theme.

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What is worth fighting for? When do we flee? When do we reach out to a former foe? In the context of the 2020 election in America, with its heterogeneous, polarized populace, we explore our theme FIGHT/FLIGHT/TEND & BEFRIEND.

Andrew McIntosh, Janos Korodi, Christopher Spencer

“Eyes on the Sky, and on the Prize” // Citizen or new immigrant, all of us are responsible for fighting the creeping authoritarianism in America. // Editor’s Notes by Heather Shayne Blakeslee

Destination // “Unity 2020” // A bold new plan to save the Republic
Constellations // “Meet Me At the Car” // A tribute to the Switzerland of the Philadelphia Northeast: The Dining Car & Market

“Can America Muster Its Braver Angels?” // An interview with John Wood, Jr. of Braver Angels, an organization that hopes to depolarize America
“Officer of the Peace” // A Black cop in Brooklyn makes a plea for peace
”Liberty in a Folding Chair” // Our Close Read by Joshua Mehigan of "The New Colossus” by Emma Lazarus” and “After a Greek Proverb” by A.E. Stalling
“Mental States” // Profile by Ginger Rudolf of Philadelphian Janos Korodi, an accomplished painter who emigrated from Hungary and its crumbling democracy
”Gus & Lizzy: Chapter One * Part Two” // A Southern family deals with the duel plagues of flu and racism in 1918 // Fiction by Gerald Veasely

”Taking the Car Out of Park” // Two cousins break a life-long silence on race, and find love and joy