Moore Vintage Archive is an experience that blends past, present, and future

By Jared Michael Lowe

“When people walk into my store, they see these historical stories up front,” says Moore, who opened his shop in fall of 2022. Moore, 33, sees his store as a mélange of his interests, a waycto share his love of Black and queer culture, his affinity for words, and the versatility of vintagechigh-end designer womenswear.

When you walk into the store, you’re treated to the subtle notes of patchouli and jasmine that waft throughout. Racks from de rigueur designers such as Issey Miyake, Christian Lacroix, Karl Lagerfeld, and Patrick Kelly hang on both sides of the store. Some museum-quality statement pieces hang on the walls or on mannequins. Rare books by formidable Black authors such as Toni Morrison, Essex Hemphill, and Philadelphia’s Sonia Sanchez line the shelves. Soft jazz or smooth R&B coolly plays from the shop’s loudspeakers. You get the feeling of rummaging through an Auntie Mame-like figure’s wardrobe, weaving together magical confections of fashion artistry, Black culture, and a love of literature all into one shop.

For full text and images, consider reading RQ in print, on a Sunday afternoon, sun streaming through your window, coffee in hand, and nary a phone alert within sight or in earshot… just fine words, fine design, and the opportunity to make a stitch in time. // Subscribe or buy a single issue today. // Print is dead. Long live print. //